воскресенье, 15 января 2017 г.

Урок англійської мови у 5 класі
You Are in Ukraine"
Підтема: People and Places
Мета: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Продовжувати формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Удосконалювати техніку читання. Практикувати учнів у вживанні Present Simple та Present Continuous Tenses. Розвивати вміння працювати в парах та в групах. Виховувати повагу до своєї Батьківщини.
Тип уроку: Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань та вмінь
Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи в парах, картки для роботи в групах, Smart- презентація, 

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Greeting              1. Привітання
Good morning, children.
The bell has gone, the lesson has begun.
So, let’s start.
2. Aim                 Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
As you know children today is revision of the topic which is called “People and Places”.
Let’s go down to work.
Look at the blackboard, I expect you have already known about cities and traditions of our Motherland.
You can see how picturesque our country is.
3. Warming up            Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
I propose you to tell us where you have already been and where would you like to go to.
I have already been to… .
I would like to go to … .
Thank you for your answers.
4. Check on Homework                 Перевірка д/з
Let’s go on with checking your homework. What did I give you for homework?
I’m very satisfied with your work.
Well done! Молодец!
Good job!
Хорошая работа!
Way to go! Хорошая работа! Молодец!
II. Основна частина уроку
1.     Reading              Подання тексту для читання
Let’s go on with reading the text about some Ukrainian places. We’ve already read and translated it. Let’s read it again. Be very attentive cause late we’ll do some tasks with the help of this text.
A)  I divide you into two groups. Yaric, Alex, Kate and Vicky will do ex. VI on p. 139. Yaric and Alex should act as Steve and describe your impressions of Sorochynska Fair.  Kate and Vicky should act as Ann and say what traditions you have experienced. 
B)   While they are working with their acting the rest of class have to look though the text and try to find out who from the children do that and divide this phrase to the correct column.
2.     Physical Warming Up           Фізична розминка
And now I propose you to have rest a little. Stand up, please, and repeat the movies.
Take your seats and let’s go down to work.
3.     Grammar Practice       Відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу
Noughts and Crosses Game
Now we’ll play Noughts and Crosses Game.
I divide you into two groups.
A)  The first group of the class should make a field for this game. While they are making the field for the game, the second group divides into another two groups. The first group will be Crosses and you have to choose one of the verbs and make sentence in Present Simple Tense with it. The second part will be Naughts  and you have to do the same but your sentences should be in Present Continuous Tense.
B)   While they working with their acting the rest of class have to take a shirt of paper and in pairs look through the text and find out nouns and verbs in it.
4.     Speaking
Our next task will be to make puzzles and to complete the dialogue with the help of information on it. You have some extra pieces! Then you have to act out your mini-dialogues in pairs.
1) -    How do you like ….? The Pysankas museum
-        I can’t enjoy it more.
2)-     What can you say about …? Sorochynska Fair
-        Oh, it was just wonderful.
3)-     What do you think of our visit to …? Kolomyia
-        I can’t help admiring it.
4)-     What’s your opinion of …?   Ukrainian folk music
-        Oh, it was fantastic. I’m a great admirer of such kind of music.
III. Заключна частина уроку
1.     Homework
I. WB, ex. 77, p. 43-44
II. Write about one of the Ukrainian  cities.
We’ve done all the task for today. That’s all for now and I’ll explain you what you will do at home.
You have to do ex.  77 on p. 43-33 of your WB. In this exercise you have to complete the dialogues. But if you want to get better mark you have write a short essay about one of the cities of our native country.
2.     Summarizing
And now I want to ask you a question: which words do you associate with the word “Ukraine”.
Motherland, Kyiv, 

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